As coaches and facilitators working with leaders, teams and organisations, we are noticing a need for additional support. In partnership with Lizzie, Caroline & Wendy we would like to invite you to our weekly Take 20 session.
Gift yourself 20 minutes of calm thinking. A space without expectations, with guided reflective practices that will help you enter or leave the day feeling different.
the purpose:
Ten months into the pandemic, we are increasingly aware of the need to resource ourselves in small, simple ways. To give you private space to pause and reflect at the beginning or end of the day.
the small print:
·Same time, same virtual place, same purpose, same privacy
·Just show up, no sharing, cameras on or off – your choice
·Bring something to note your reflections
·No fee, no commitment, come once, come every week – your choice
·Two of us will host each time – our choice
our hope: Please pass this on to anyone you feel might benefit from this, either in your professional
or personal network.
join us:
Tuesdays at 8am (UK) from February 16th to March 30th
Thursdays at 6pm (UK) from February 18th to April 1st
join Zoom: https://zoom.us/join
meeting ID: 750 555 7924
or email to find out more: alison@randolphpartnership.co.uk
We look forward to seeing you there!
Caroline, Wendy, Alison & Lizzie
Inspired and adapted from The Write Place™ with thanks to
Elaine Patterson and Karyn Prentice of PattersonPrenticeDesigns