I discovered this book when researching resource for my Mental Fitness programme for female leaders. It provides some great insights and will truly help begin to address the everyday sexism some may be experiencing at work.

The full title of the book is "The Authority Gap: Why Women are Still Taken Less Seriously Than Men, and what We Can Do about it" is well researched and engaging. I found that the Chapter "no need to despair" outlines in really practical terms what employers, educators, colleagues, partners and parents can do to narrow the gap.
I really do recommend if you pick up one book to read and understand what's happening for women in the world of work, this is the one. It provides a startling perspective on the unseen bias at work in our everyday lives, to reveal the scale of the gap that still persists between men and women. The author, Mary Ann Sieghart draws on a wealth of data and includes interviews with pioneering women such as Baroness Hale, Mary Beard and Bernadine Evaristo. Sieghart provides a fresh feminist take not only on this unconscious biais but also on how to address and counteract systemic sexism in ways that benefit us all.