I hope you all managed to switch off fully and recharge over the holidays.

This first week back has been a really interesting one; things picking up at pace, new lockdown measures in the UK and many other countries and a sense of being right back where you were in terms of busy-ness before the holidays.
It’s really made me reflect on what leaders and their teams will need to support them as they navigate the next few months. My first thought naturally went to having a nice cuppa to support this thinking and so wanted to open this offer up again. The time is now, with the new year ahead and plans being drawn up, for organisations and their leaders to really think about how they’re resourced. Do you have enough fuel in the tank? How resilient are you feeling after your first week?
If a coaching conversation to explore this, or anything else which may be on your mind sounds good then please do reach out. I’m here, cup in hand, ready to chat when you are.
Looking forward to hearing from you.